Recycled jackets
By reusing materials, we reduce the demand for new raw materials and reduce the burden on our natural resources. We strive to use as much recycled polyester as possible in our jackets and other clothing, so that we can contribute to a circular economy and reduce the amount of waste.

Moodstreet ♥ the future
Sustainability is important! For now and for the future of our children. We strive to create clothing that is not only beautiful and comfortable, but also made as sustainably as possible with respect for people and the environment.

Global Organic Textile Standard
We are proud to be able to produce our garments according to the standards of the GOTS label. With this label you can be assured that everyone who works on our product earns fairly and that we burden the environment as little as possible. The clothing is made from organic cotton, without harmful pesticides, which also means less water is needed. Better for our planet, so a more beautiful world. Moodstreet loves the future!